Awards, Fellowships, and Scholarships

Australian Legal Research Award (Article/ECA) -Shortlisted
Council of Australian Law Deans   |   2024   |   Awards
Outstanding Research Thesis Award
City University of Hong Kong   |   2021   |   Awards
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Scholarship MPI
Munich Germany   |   2021   |   Scholarship
Chow Yei Ching Graduate Studies Scholarship (Award in recognition of exceptional research output- $7500 USD)
City University of Hong Kong   |   2020   |   Awards
Outstanding Academic Performance Award
City University of Hong Kong   |   2019   |   Awards
World Intellectual Property Organization, Scholarship
Fully funded scholarship to attend the WIPO summer school in South Korea   |   2019   |   Scholarship
Teaching Excellence Award
Landmark University   |   2017   |   Awards